Transform PDFs

into Audio-Visual Slide Shows! 

& Chat With It     


Slide Show

eBooks get a New Shape and Sound!

Studying from a PDF is really hard. Make Yourself a Learning Course from any PDF eBooks. The PDF will teach you like your favorite teacher and Clear your Doubts
through Chat.

Let the Papers Present..!

Research Papers are now presented in a crisp audio visual format with clear explanations. With the ChatBot to help with your questions, No Paper is beyond your grasp.

Make SOPs Unignorable!

You create detailed Standard Operating Procedures for your team - Just to be Ignored? Revive them from the dormant PDF folders into a Live Online Presentation. Your team Loves it, Follows it. You get a good night's sleep.

Consult with the Law before Lawyers.

Legal Consultations need not cost you an Arm and Leg. Upload your legal documents and get clear picture of what they say. Clarify your legal doubts then and there!! 

Anything important or interesting!

Be it the 'Origin of Species'  or 'Othello', DocShow them and interact in Chat. Get the Feel of Darwin and Shakespeare clarify their work to you in person.